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Are you trying to take your email marketing campaigns to the next level? If so, you’re probably seeking that sweet spot—the perfect time and day to send your emails for the best engagement. You’re in the right place! In this blog article, we delve into some fascinating research that reveals which is the best time to send your marketing emails to maximize open rates and click-throughs.

In 2023, research indicated that 306.4 billion emails were sent and received every day. The best times to send emails in 2024 have changed, as that rate is expected to increase to over 4.59 billion daily emails in 2025, according to a report by Statista. Amidst this colossal sea of communication, how do you ensure that your email campaign doesn’t just end up unopened or buried in your customers inboxes?

Let’s decode the best time and day to send your email marketing campaigns. However, remember that while these general trends are insightful, it’s essential to understand your unique audience and continuously test your strategies to optimize results.

Finding the Ideal Day!

According to a comprehensive study by MailChimp, weekdays outperform weekends for email engagement. They reported that Tuesday and Thursday are the best days to send marketing emails, with Tuesday leading by a slight margin.

This is likely because people are settling into their workweek and are more likely to engage with their emails. Weekends, on the other hand, showed lower engagement rates, probably due to people’s tendency to disconnect and enjoy their leisure time.

However, another study by HubSpot contradicts this slightly. It suggested that Wednesday is the peak, followed by Tuesday. Regardless, it’s clear that mid-week emails tend to perform better.

Now let’s take a look at the best time of day.

Which is the Perfect Time to Send Your Marketing Emails?

GetResponse analyzed the best time to send emails based on the highest email open rates and found that emails sent at around 10 a.m. have the highest chance of being opened. This makes sense, as most people have settled into their workday by this time and are more likely to check their emails.

In contrast, Experian’s research suggests that emails sent between 3 and 8 p.m. and midnight have a significantly higher open rate. This might be because people often check their emails one last time before ending their day.

So, is the best time in the morning or evening?

What is the ideal day to send Monday or Thursday?

When it comes to the best time to send emails on specific weekdays, such as Monday and Thursday, data from various sources indicates that early to mid-morning tends to be prime time. Here’s a deeper look at both days:


After the weekend, people are usually catching up with their emails, and it might not be the best time to get their attention early in the morning. According to a study by MailerMailer, sending emails later in the morning, around 10–11 AM, might provide a higher chance of engagement on Mondays. This allows your audience to handle immediate tasks and the ‘Monday rush’ before they take a look at their inboxes in a more relaxed manner.


On Thursdays, the optimal email send time is reportedly also around 10 a.m., as per a study by GetResponse. By Thursday, people are well into their weekly routine and likely have a moment to engage with their emails. An alternate time could be around 2 PM, when there’s typically a mid-afternoon lull and people might take a moment to check their emails.

What is the ideal time to send on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday?


Multiple studies, including those from CoSchedule and MailChimp, have found Tuesday to be one of the best days for sending emails. Specifically, sending emails in the morning, around 10 a.m., tends to result in high open rates.


Wednesday is another strong contender. People are in the full swing of their week and are likely to engage with their emails. HubSpot’s study showed that Wednesday, like Tuesday, is a good day to send emails, with peak times being at 10 a.m. and between 2 and 5 p.m.


Engagement rates start to dip on Fridays as people start winding down for the weekend. However, if you do send emails on Friday, aim for between 10 and 11 a.m.

Does the time zone matter?

When discussing the best time and day to send emails, it’s impossible to overlook the impact of time zones. If your business operates globally, consider segmenting your email lists by time zone and sending emails accordingly. Research by Campaign Monitor shows that emails sent according to the recipient’s local time zone have 14% higher open rates.

Email Frequency: A Balancing Act

According to MarketingSherpa, 61% of consumers like receiving promotional emails weekly, while 38% want emails even more frequently. However, balance is key. A study by First Insight found that 34% of customers unsubscribe from email lists because they receive too many messages.


The data suggests that mid-week—particularly Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday—are the best days to send your email marketing campaigns, and 10 a.m., 8 p.m., or midnight seem to be the most effective times. But it’s important to note that these times should serve as a starting point for your own testing and not as a rule. Remember to consider your audience’s habits and time zones and to find the right balance in email frequency. Continually testing and tailoring your email strategy to your audience’s behaviors will lead to the best results.

By thoroughly gaining insights into when your prospects are likely to receive your email marketing messages, you will impact your marketing campaign and boost your delivery, response, open rate, and click-through rate. Fount Media’s email list, which covers various sectors such as health, technology users, and B2B businesses, can help you find potential prospects to send promotional messages, and result-driven marketing solutions can help you know the best time and day to send your campaign messages. Reach out to our dedicated executives and skyrocket your email marketing results.